Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Efficient Resource Scheduling & It’s Benefits

One aspect of resource management is efficient resource scheduling, a complex task. Efficient resource scheduling means making the best use of available resources by allocating the right work to the right resource at the right time to make your workforce more efficient. It ensures effective and efficient use of resources to accomplish organizational goals with economic benefit in mind. Firstly the activities of the project need to be scheduled followed by allocation of the resources by Coordinating staff credentials and the activities, keeping in mind the availability of the resource during that specific project time. 

In companies with large or multinational projects or running multiple projects simultaneously, resource management would include allocating the right available resources for the specific tasks among the various projects or business units. For this information is needed to be shared consistently throughout different parts of the organization.

A company which meets the customer demand of delivering a good quality product in time and budget meets the aspiration of the client.  The reliability of services or the assurance that services are provided in a consistent and dependable manner increase the credibility of the company a satisfied client translates into a good brand image. Brand image & customer satisfaction can be achieved by a resource planning software which is used in multinational companies for managing projects on a large scale.

Advantages of Resource planning and scheduling are many.  Efficient Resource planning and scheduling lead to development of systems which makes a job easier.  It makes the organization more effective by re-alignment of traditional working practices. Resource scheduling ensures effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals and empowers your organization to meet deadlines, in addition to safeguarding profitability.

Resource scheduling helps to maintain employee harmony in the workplace. Employees seek increased quality of life which may mean less time spent at work, with more time for other activities whereas businesses seek high employee productivity, reduced absenteeism and retention of talent. 

A good resource schedule which has a definable work flow is viewed by the employee as an integral part of business management associated with company goals and is therefore treated with respect. A collaborative resource planning software tends to reduce workplace stress. It does not invite ad hoc changes, and is not perceived as being arbitrary. A good schedule leads to confidence and trust among the employees. Trust provides the foundation for a positive cultural environment, which in turn provides the driving force necessary to achieve performance improvements leading to the basic goal of achieving profitability in the business.

Preparing a good resource schedule manually is a tough job with more variables to be taken into consideration than actually feasible. A good software “eResource scheduler” is available which overcomes the obstacles of manual scheduling, fits the needs of the managers and staff, and is flexible and robust. It is easy to use and operationally proven by different organizations. It is well supported via help desk and maintenance releases for user confidence. It delivers fast schedules even in complex scenarios to match staff supply to business requirements.

Enbraun's Resource Planning Software - Quick Tour

A Bosses Guide to Significance of Efficient Resource Planning

In both medium and large size companies, it is necessary to learn early on the importance of efficient resource planning. This is needed for a variety of reasons. Employees all have different strengths and weaknesses. If two people are put on the same shift and have very similar weaknesses, it can vastly hinder productivity. They will slow down work by making the same mistakes or taking extra-long to do tasks that someone else could have done much better. 

Setting up minor management and always having one on staff ensures that work will go smoothly. Many workers need some form of direction to ensure that their work does not slack. Having a resource planning software can result into efficient management and appropriate arrangement with maximized profits. Observe the way the company functions carefully. If management is doing a poor job, it is time to have them reassigned or have them work on shifts only other higher management to help correct the poor behavior.

Workers also have different skill sets. Some workers can execute certain tasks very quickly, but with poor quality. Others can do tasks quite slowly, but will provide great quality work once finished. However, having only people that make each other’s skills better can hinder growth as well. Making a good decision requires many different factors to be considered. Creating set workplace roles can also help with this much needed growth.

Good management can be left to work on their own they will ensure that other people are getting their work done as well. After all observation is done, it is easy to organize management with collaborative resource planning software and the workers that need them most. Different projects require different people to be on schedule at different times. For example, working in a consulting firm means that when scheduling meetings with clients that need to speak with different specialty departments, different workers than usual will need to be called in to ensure that they can collaborate on the project.

Some people will simply not get along with one another, and this also needs to be considered. Although it is very unprofessional to simply refuse to work with another person over a minor issue which can result into low performance. Sometimes it becomes easy to reschedule workers by a configurable resource planning software. It is up to the boss to put people who work well together on shift at the same time. This will ensure that these people can complement each other’s skills while maximizing productivity. This is the importance of efficient resource planning.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Increasing workflow capabilities with resource scheduling software

If your company is on the fast track to success in today’s global marketplace, you may be trying to achieve goals within a leaner work environment. Setting deadlines and meeting scheduling goals may be crucial in your customer development database. Increasing productivity extends beyond the production floor in today’s manufacturing arena. Support areas such as sales, marketing, planning and scheduling are learning about efficiency and working to develop a more reliable system of team oriented supported networking.

For help with your marketing needs, collaborative resource scheduling software may be worth considering. Customers require definitive time frames with the implementation of daily or weekly verification for confirmation of impending deadlines for shipments. You have to take into account that your customers also have customers. It is this intricate networking that a scheduling software package will help you to master with professional ease. As your customer load increases, demands for on time delivery can become a recipe for disaster if you don’t have a software package integrated into your system with updated tracking abilities.

Multi-user Resource Scheduling Software
Configurable Resource Scheduler - Booking Chart
Tracking orders begins at order placement. Components needed have to be obtained from outside which requires scheduling vendors to complete tasks in advance of your customer deadlines. Scheduling software has taken planning to a whole new level of efficiency allowing a smoother work flow and greater visibility to both you and your customer.

With greater visibility, bottlenecks or issues can be identified early on and addressed before scheduling ship dates are affected. For example, you may have a product which always gets held up in a final testing stage but your sales people and schedulers don’t recognize this when setting ship dates. The software can automatically show extra time needed for a specific task thereby allowing a longer lead time up front. The customer can understand longer lead times. They are not experts on what you supply them with and usually will understand when you give them longer lead times. What they can’t understand is when you promise shipment at a particular time and it just doesn't happen. This increases the lead time on their side for the end customer; and like a snowball rolling down hill, it will simply get worse as it moves down the chain.

Another issue commonly seen in scheduling is when more than one order needs to be running at the same time but no one was aware at the order entry end. In the past, when a customer called with an order, all that happened was that a sales person entered the order with no knowledge of what was currently going on. With this enhanced software, issues such as these are eliminated entirely.

Most software packages today have graphical interfacing which allows for ease of interface between users and software. Gantt and bar graph capabilities are great tools built in to most software. In addition, they offer fill-able templates for increased order entry speeds. If your company is trying to work in tomorrow’s world with today’s technology, you may want to move into the realm of resource scheduling software.